time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
This is
not the most helpful of charts, but these types of visualizations can provide
insights on pathways and weights of variables.
Initially a bit of fun I had when learning how to create
these charts for an internal report, I figured I would finish it off. The data
comes from IMDB and follows many main characters (on the left) on-screen time throughout
all current MCU films (on the right) with screen time shown by the thickness of the link between character and film.*
learned with these charts that the googleViz Sankey charts are not the easiest
to manipulate. Changing the colors to match the hero colors was a challenge and
the actual ordering of nodes and links is restricted by how the chart is put
together. For example the Iron Man films are out of order as both 1 and 3 have
fewer crossover characters, so Iron Man 2 is moved to the bottom to accommodate
the inclusion of From nodes on the left.
It would
have been nice to link characters and show in order of film release date, but
maybe the plotly or shiny charts have more options to get a cleaner presentation.